What is the cost of small business online reputation?
Oct 3, 2024 4 minutes read

What is the hidden value of a small business’s online reputation?

Do you know how much your business reputation is worth? Most people think of reputation as something personal, but as a business owner, your company’s reputation is a critical asset. In fact, it could be one of the most valuable things you have.

Imagine this – a potential customer searches for your business on Google. They click on your website, but instead of finding your homepage, they land on a page full of suspicious or inappropriate content. This is a common outcome of a hacked website, and it can be devastating for your business. Often, you won’t even know it’s happening until a concerned customer reaches out to you. By then, the damage to your reputation is already done.

Why reputation matters more for small business onwers?

For small businesses, reputation isn’t just important – it’s everything. Unlike large corporations with massive marketing budgets, you can’t afford to ignore bad reviews or security breaches. A single bad experience shared by a customer can snowball into a crisis. In fact, studies show that a dissatisfied customer will tell 9-15 people about their bad experience, and around 13% of unhappy customers will share their story with more than 20 people. This word-of-mouth effect can quickly spread, leading to significant damage to your brand’s image.

Think about it – if one bad experience reaches 10 people, and each of those people shares it with 10 more, that’s 100 potential customers who may never trust your business again. For a small business, losing the trust of even a few customers can have long-lasting consequences.

Trust is your best marketing tool

Big businesses can often weather these storms with expensive marketing campaigns, but as a small business owner, can you? Losing customer trust not only impacts immediate sales but also your long-term credibility.

When a website is compromised, the impact on customer trust can be significant, no matter the size of the business or its online presence. Even for smaller websites that don’t handle transactions, visitors may question your professionalism and reliability if security issues arise. A secure website reflects a trustworthy business.

For e-commerce sites, however, the stakes are much higher. Neglecting security and maintenance can be devastating, as customers are entrusting you with sensitive personal and financial information. If that trust is breached, it can lead to immediate financial loss, chargebacks, and irreparable damage to your reputation. In some cases, a security breach can directly bankrupt a business, as customers will be hesitant to return or complete purchases on an untrustworthy site. In both scenarios, the security and maintenance of your website are essential for protecting your reputation and the future of your business.

Here’s the reality: for a small business, your reputation is your business value. Once trust is lost, it’s incredibly hard to rebuild. Data shows that after a cybersecurity breach, 60% of small businesses close within 6 months. Losing trust can be devastating.

Protect your business reputation for less than a cup of coffee

Many small business owners delay addressing website security issues, thinking it won’t happen to them. But it’s much easier to prevent a problem than to fix it after the damage is done. A WordPress maintenance plan costs as little as $15/month – less than the cost of a few cups of coffee – and can save you from financial and reputational ruin.

Think of it as insurance for your business, only better. A good maintenance plan doesn’t just protect you after the fact; it actively works to prevent issues by keeping your site safe, secure, and functioning smoothly. For just $14.99/month, you’re not only protecting your website – you’re safeguarding your entire business reputation.


The real cost of inaction

So, what’s more expensive – losing your reputation or investing $14.99/month to protect it? The answer is clear. Don’t let a compromised website become the downfall of your business.

Sign up for our care plan today, and let us take care of your website’s health and reputation – so you can focus on growing your business.

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